Industry News

Industry News

China's first skid mounted natural gas hydrogen production unit, independently developed by CNOOC power group, was officially put into use in Mingcheng comprehensive energy station of fo ran energy (hereinafter referred to as
China's first skid mounted natural gas hydrogen production unit, independently developed by CNOOC power group, was officially put into use in Mingcheng comprehensive energy station of fo ran energy (hereinafter referred to as "Mingcheng station")... View More>>
[Chinese and foreign oil and gas news]... View More>>
LNG price trend in China today... View More>>
"Beixi-1" greatly reduces the gas supply! Us natural gas prices also soared? This figure has reached a 14 year high... View More>>
Russia cuts gas transmission of "Beixi No.1" again! European natural gas prices jumped by nearly 12%... View More>>
Australia's natural gas exports hit a new high, and Japan surpassed China to become the largest importer... View More>>
China locks in record long-term LNG transactions... View More>>
How can wind farms achieve "trouble free"?... View More>>
China National combustion Corporation signed a 20-year LNG purchase and sale agreement with nextdecade in the United States... View More>>
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